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This week, I’ve been jumping around the blogsphere just a bit…

Ashleigh Baker and overhearing conversations about God – a good reminder that we are all seeking, whatever path of life we’re on:

She moves quickly, clasping her hands and hugging them to her chest. Leaning forward again and she asks him, “But… but what about God? Does he… or she… have anything to do with it? The world, I mean?”

He sits back and nods slowly. “I do think God is running things here, spinning this world on his finger like a basketball, watching the way we live and giving us pointers on how to do it.”

“I think maybe I do, too,” she breathes, tilts her head. “But I don’t really know.”

Hop over her to read her Overheard Conversations About God

Sarah Bessey’s post about slowing down, resting and not doing everything, sinks in what God has been teaching me lately. This, especially this, is me most days:

And then, like most women, you can berate yourself for all the things you want to do and don’t do, all the things you think that Good Christian Women do. You can think about exercise and losing weight, about Bible studies, and helping orphans and widows, about money, about the whole hurting world. You can spend your emotional energy on all the ways you don’t measure up, sure, I’m doing this, but it’s not enough, it’s never enough, I’m never enough. You can look around at other women, other women you admire in real life or online or in bookstores or on TV, and think, well, look at her! I don’t know how she does it! I must work harder, I must do more.

Check out Start Small, Start with Sabbath

And Rachel Held Evan has me learning to let go and judge less – judge others and myself less when we aren’t getting perfect scores in life.

When I step back, when I think of my life afresh, it’s pretty darn impressive how much I can get accomplished in a given day: writing an 800-word blog post, responding to dozens of emails, running three miles on the treadmill, making dinner, praying, checking in on friends, keeping the faith when it’s hard, working on my marriage, resting, finally unpacking our suitcases four days after we returned from our road trip, and FINISHING A FREAKING BOOK. But rather than celebrating these impressive everyday “somersaults,” I tend to focus on the “deductions”: I forgot someone’s birthday (that’s a fifth of a point), the dishes haven’t been done (another third of a point), my jeans still fit too tight (a half a point), I never got to that last email (a fourth of a point), I snapped at Dan (a full point deduction for that one).

By the end of the day, I’m a regular McKayla Maroney, standing on the medal stand with a silver medal around my neck, giving the world my very best “not impressed” face.

Take a quick look at her post, Celebrating Somersaults

What blog posts hit home for you this week?